Curtis Hispeed 441 Eco-Curtis Systems is revolutionising the cooling lubricant market
Increased demands on the part of the metalworking industry require innovative cooling lubricant solutions, since cost-effective production of premium work pieces can only be achieved using premium cooling lubricants. It is no longer an insiders' tip in industry circles that the quality of the productivity factor of cooling lubricant is a key factor. [MFM]
Ashford’s Dictionary of Industrial Chemicals has just been launched
This eBook is read using Acrobat Reader. It has 9,484 entries and 10,449 pages. Links connect each chemical to its derivatives and to raw materials used in its manufacture. Ashford's Dictionary of Industrial Chemicals, Third Edition, ISBN 978-0-9522674-3-0.
Are mycobacteria the cause of metalworking fluid alveolitis?
Non-tuberculous mycobactia have previously been implicated in the alveolitis caused by exposure to contaminated metalworking fluids. This brief paper discusses whether mycobacteria can be considered the cause.
Selecting Antimicrobial Pesticides for Use in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids up for review
ASTM E2169 - Standard Practice for Selecting Antimicrobial Pesticides for Use in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids is due for its 5-year review. Revisions to be considered include updates to Table 1 and whether recent decisions made by the US EPA Office of Pesticide Programs will be captured in the Practice.
"Manufacturing Engineering" goes digital
"Manufacturing Engineering", a publication of the Society of Mechanical Engineers (SME), is now available online. The March issue, available now, is dedicated to all things aerospace.
DIMAC releases Coolant Maintenance Manual
Dimac Tooling, Mulgrave, VIC, has released the Zebra Coolant Maintenance Manual which offers machine shop operators useful information and advice on all aspects of coolant management and maintenance.
Fast-Acting, Automatic Fire Detection and Suppression Systems
Firetrace systems are designed to quickly and reliably detect and extinguish machine fires sparked by oil-based metalworking fluids, coolants and lubricants.
Meeting little friction: Accuri founder's new lubrication technology removes water from mix
Fusion Coolant Systems Inc. would seem to have nothing in common with Accuri Cytometers Inc., other than being spun off from the University of Michigan. But both companies were founded by the same associate professor at UM: Steven Skerlos, the chairman of graduate education in mechanical engineering.