STLE Annual Meeting
What Happens in Vegas
Might not Stay in Vegas
by Dom Ruggeri
June 2005:
Each year in May, STLE holds it’s annual meeting and exhibition. Las Vegas, NV was the location this year, and what a location it was. Lubrication specialists from all over the world attended. These people came to work, learn, and network with others in our profession. In fact this year the STLE Annual Meeting attendance was close to 1,500. That’s quite a feat for a society of about 4000 members.
The Education Courses:
These classes have been completely revamped. Dr. Fred Passman and his committee have done an excellent job tailoring the classes to both the novice and seasoned formulator. The classes are now standardized so wherever the classes are offered and no matter who the instructors are the same material is covered. Of course the education programs of the STLE are always evolving so if you have a suggestion please feel free to contact the society or any board of Directors member and we will gladly forward your Idea to the Education committee.
The Technical Papers:
These are the center of the annual meeting in this forum. Lubrication professionals come from around the word to present the results of their research. This year was no exception. The lubrication scientist was treated to a variety of topics. These topics ranged from new research topics to continuing research efforts presented so we can track the development of new theories. Attendance here will keep you on the cutting edge of lubrication technology.
The Commercial Marketing Forum:
I remember when this forum began, the nay Sayers believed that no one would pay to present a paper, let alone busy professionals attend seminars given by salesman. I am happy to say The Commercial Forum is growing by leaps and bounds every year. Not only will busy professionals attend these seminars, many of them want to present. This forum has grown so quickly that we had to start earlier and actually add time slots to accommodate all those wishing to present. Many companies having seen the value of this sales tool wanted to purchase multiple time slots. The popularity of this forum is a credit to both Mr. Ed Kane (Founder) and Noreen Cherry (Chair). Without Ed’s vision and Noreen’s diligent attention, The Commercial Marketing Forum would never have been a success.
In closing I am pleased to say the 2005 STLE Annual Meeting was a success. However, I want to leave you with this parting thought, when I chaired the Philadelphia Section (1999-2000) I asked my volunteer section leaders to talk up the section whenever the opportunity presented itself. So I am asking all members of STLE to talk up the Society every chance you get, you are the best representatives we have. To those of you who have not yet joined us or are considering joining us I will say this, we are better with you then without you.
As always should you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me in care of the magazine. Till next month,
Good Luck