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MARCH 2002:

IWIG Article-REV, 3/11/’02

IWIG Meeting Focuses On: Coolant / Lubricant Performance

  The Phase Two meeting of the International Working Industrial Group (IWIG) was held on January 30 – 31, 2002 at TechSolve in Cincinnati , OH .

 Tom McClure (TechSolve) moderated the meeting – the fourth held to date to discuss the machine lubricant/coolant IWIG Coolant Project.  Two major items were reviewed from the previous meeting, specifically: education through group growth expansion, and the need for further development of commonly recognized test methods.

The ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials) has recently established the F35 team to develop standards for metalworking fluids, machine tool lubricants, and machine tool components, as well as the compatibility among these materials.  According to the minutes of the January, 2002 ASTM meeting, this project is examining the effects of coolant/lubricant hydraulic fluids and way oils on the equipment machine parts.  The ASTM is still in the early stages of this project and has extended an offer for volunteers to the IWIG team members.  During a discussion at this IWIG meeting, it was evident that there is interest in addressing these issues through collaborative efforts; and, IWIG members in attendance agreed to assist in any manner or means available.

The ASTM also has a team working on a coolant/lubricant performance test criteria.  Continuing efforts by IWIG have focused on compiling a comprehensive manual of information and performance testing methods aimed at the small and medium coolant/lubricant users.  In addition, TechSolve has volunteered to host a future ASTM F35 meeting.  If such a meeting is agreed to, TechSolve will attempt to coordinate the schedule of the ASTM meeting with the next IWIG meeting, so that IWIG members will have the opportunity to become more familiar with ASTM International and their committee operation.

Members in attendance also discussed ideas for future projects, and McClure asked for suggestions on items that may need clarification for better understanding or require tests devised for improved evaluation.

·         Filtration;

·         Seepability (the ability of coolant to seep and remain into porous materials);

·         Foaming;

·         Corrosion;

·         Heat Dissipation / Running Temperature;

·         Evaporation;

·         Dermatitis;

·         Biodegradability;

·         System Design;

·         Coolant Management (formerly Coolant Maintenance);

·         Cleanability (ability to be removed from the surface);

·         Misting

The meeting attendees then separated items and areas of concern into two working groups.  Some items, categories, and subjects are duplicated in both groups, since these will be approached from different viewpoints and levels of expertise.

Group One, in the area of selection, will focus on the three items: chemical and material compatibility, filtration, and foaming / misting.  The group determined that reduced usage, reuse, and recycling are No.  1 process-driven priorities in coolant management.  Recommended actions for proper coolant management from suppliers include:

·         Suppliers need to provide information on key issues (barriers) in fluid management from a regulatory standpoint (specifically applicable State and U.S.   EPA);

·         Development partnership – e.g.  Stakeholder Meeting (similar to strategic goals for electroplating program);

·         Post update of IWIG proceeding on metalworkingfluids.com website with link to the IWIG group;

·         Compile a computerized, interactive problem-solving database – Computerized / interactive;

·         Add web-based link from coolant manufacturers to the appropriate IWIG group contact;

·         Misting:

o        Current REL 0.5 mg/m3

o        OSHA standard is 5.0 mg/m3

·         Publish best practices manual;

·         Prepare discussion of Illinois Misting Study (for next IWIG meeting);

·         Gather bench top test methods for foam and mist:

o        Lubrizol;

o        Patents on use of PIB, PEO;

o        Chemical vs.  mechanical controls;

o        Mist testing methods;

o        Milacron patent;

o        NIOSH test;

Group Two will focus on many other items, including: heat dissipation, affected by fluid level; heat into fluid; dermatitis; research; biodegradability and biostability; oil and grease.  Recommended actions for this group include:

·         Designate a standardized test fluid to compare biostability during and after use in machine;

·         Improve / modify circulating tank test for biostability;

·         Develop a single generalized (realistic) test for various combined issues (foam, bacteria, foreign matter, for example);

·         Address fluid issues for existing (not ideal) machines

·         Determine responsibility for the tests and who owns them.

Rissler Associates